Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Picture Post...finally.

Original Post: Monday, June 30, 2008

There have been a few people (Kasey) that have been wonderfully faithful in reminding me to post pictures of our new house. Well,'s the day! Here are pics of my new house and also a few of my kids that my amazing mother-in-law Maggie took because they're adorable and I felt like it. Enjoy!

(NOTE: On Xanga these were all in some semblance of an order, however, Blogspot has decided to give me the finger and exclaim, "I do what I want!" and put them in whatever order it pleases. So sorry about the randomness.)

My Kiddos

The wound
My wonderful and messy kitchen
Our dining room and fireplace (taken from the kitchen, if you're trying to relate everything spacially).
My living room (taken from the fireplace) with my new mammoth couch.

Our house!
Our bedroom
My favorite room (thanks for the color advice, Linda! You're amazing.) There's a desk in this room now at which I am currently sitting.
Downstairs play room. It never looks like this. I just happened to clean it up in order to vacuum today.

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