Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dress Up

Original Post: Monday, May 12, 2008

My daughter has started playing dress up. For the last 3 days she has insisted on wearing my mother's pajama top as a dress everywhere she goes. I finally put the pajamas in the wash last night. So today, when she could not find them, Addison found the dress that she wore to church yesterday, held it in front of my face until I put it on her, and now refuses to take it off in order to wear normal clothes.

I love that little girl.
Oh, and PS, for those of you who are wondering: Yes, I DO have a son whom I love to death. I'll write more about him later. He hasn't been feeling so great lately. But he is my little warrior man and he deserves a good long post. Coming soon...
Oh. Another PS. Both those pictures were taken on my cell phone, so sorry if they're a little shoddy.

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