Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Not to toot my own horn...

Ok, maybe a little tooting. As most of you know, I've been in school the last four semesters working to finish my degree (which I will accomplish, Lord willing, in April). And I just finished another semester. I only took 2 classes, Italian 201 and Brit Lit: Victorian to Present, because I wanted to give myself ample study time. I wasn't too worried about Brit Lit, since I'm an English major and I usually know what I'm about in all my Lit classes. But I was freaking out mildly concerned about Italian. This semester was my third semester and I took my first 2 semesters about 4 years ago. Needless to say, I remembered very little. My goal, honestly, was just to pass. A C or better would have been fine with me.

Well, friends, my grades just got posted and I TOTALLY GOT AN A!!! In both classes!!!!!!

I really don't mean to be all Braggy McBoasterson, but I am so excited because I really did work my heiny off this semester. And I really needed some good news today. Adam and I are currently in a time of...we'll say...testing. And things seem to be piling up all around me. I'm really trying not to wig out and I'm definately learning that dependence on God cannot coexist with my tendency to try to control and micromanage my life, as well as those of the people around me. So seeing my grades today really boosted my spirits.

I hope everyone is having a great week and finding true joy in this crazy, overly commercialized, but so meaningful holiday season. Merry Christmas, everyone!!! (That was a little Charlie Brownish and I like it.)


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Let It Snow

I tend to get a bit annoyed around mid-November, when Halloween candy is still sitting on my counter and Christmas ads mount a full scale attack on my television and radio. I really don't ever feel truly "Christmasy" until after Thanksgiving. And, even then, I have a hard time without snow and decorations. So, in light of the 3 day blizzard we've been having and the fact that our Christmas tree and decorations are up, I'm definately more in the Christmas spirit. I can even stand Christmas songs on the radio and sometimes (::gasp::) I even seek them out.

Before we get too far into the thick of the Christmas season, I thought I'd share a few pics from the last two holidays. I have, as yet, failed to share any photographic proof that we did indeed participate in these holidays. So, I thought now as good a time as any. Here goes:

I was a super mom at Halloween this year and my kids wore the same thing as last year. They looked a little haggard, but I didn't waste $40 on costumes that they wore for about 20 minutes. This makes me a self-proclaimed super mom. And if you don't agree, well, then, you're probably one of those mothers who spent $50 on costumes for her kids or actually had the time to make them. Kudos to you. Leave me alone.

At least they weren't weeping this year. Here's a pic from Halloween 2007. Ok, so they're not weeping, but this is one of the few pics in which they're not. Notice how I switched they're costumes this year. I'm so crafty!

Here's Adam and I at Thanksgiving. It's a little sick that we match, but I promise we didn't plan it. Notice Adam's very professionally trussed turkey. He took a lot of pride in it and it was delicious!

And here's just a few cute ones of my kiddies. One day last week Addison refused to take a nap and then passed out on the couch at 4:00. This is Asher shushing everyone to not wake her up while simultaneously attempting to climb into her eye.

And last but not least... Two weeks ago Addison started sleeping in her big girl bed. ::SOOOOOOOOB::

Isn't she as precious as she could be??!!!

Happy weekend all!
