Original Post: Monday, June 09, 2008I've been promising that I would write about my son for some time now. I have to admit that I've gotten all worked up about it and may be setting myself up for failure. But, ah well. After watching him the last few days I can't help but share the wonder that is Asher.
Let me start with a story about the tragedy of a little show called
Bunnytown. This show airs on the Disney channel very early in the morning. So early, in fact, that my kids thankfully sleep well past it most of the time. However, lately they have been slightly anti-sleep and have gotten up just in time for good ol'
Bunnytown. I've shared before that I usually let my kids watch a little bit of TV in the morning and by this point they know how to turn the TV on by themselves (a fact that is a little embarrassing to admit because of its reflection on my mothering techniques). Most of the time I'm scrambling to make them breakfast and I pay little attention to what they're watching as long as its
anything but Sponge Bob Nick Jr. or Disney. A few days ago I finished making breakfast and went into the living room to grab the kids and put them in their chairs so they could eat. Before I knew it, I found myself strangely captivated by the television, which, you may have guessed, was airing said
Bunnytown. The nicest word I can use to describe this debacle of a show is..."disturbing." Perhaps it's the complete lack of plot or storyline. Perhaps it's the idiotic way in which humans are portrayed (who's ever had a funny-face-making contest with a giant potato? And lost?). But I think, more than anything, I simply cannot wrap my mind around the idea of multicolored bunny puppets singing freakish songs while dressed disconcertingly similar to the Village People.
On this particular day, after being mesmerized for an unfortunate amount of time, I snapped myself out of my bunny induced stupor and made a move for the power button on the TV. At this precise moment the bunnies, dressed as sparkly pirates, began a surprisingly catchy tune entitled "Disco Pirate Bunnies." Again, I was stopped in my tracks at the sheer absurdity of such a song. Then, out of the blue, Asher came bounding into the room from whatever cubby he had been hiding in and began dancing like an African tribesman at a new moon ritual. Feet stomping, arms flapping, body careening all over the room, shrieks of delight bellowing from his mouth, he held nothing back.
And this is one of my favorite things about my sweet son. His no-holds-barred passion. When Asher does something, he
does it. He doesn't tiptoe around things looking for the safe way or the comfortable way. He just dives right in and hopes for the best. This idiosyncrasy that is so dear to me has led to many a scraped knee and bumped head. Yet, he is not thwarted and as he grows, so does his gusto. He is the most passionate little man I've ever known. Just like his mommy, he feels things deeply. And just like his daddy, he is rough and tough. I adore this combination in my son. I love that one minute he is flexing his muscles and pumping his fist yelling, "straight G!" (actually it sounds more like "date dee" and, yes, I know it's a little disturbed that we taught him that) and the next minute he is curled up on his daddy's lap, in what Adam has so aptly named the Buck-o Barka Lounger, gently rubbing the silky ears of his haggard little bunny. When he laughs, it is with his whole body. And sometimes laughing isn't enough, so he lets out a piercing shriek that is so full of joy that it makes the bleeding eardrums worth it. He dances and spins. He beats drums and anything else that makes a cool sound. He climbs and leaps. And, when his sister is crying, he locates her bunny and pacifier and brings them to her, those big, brown puppy dog eyes full of concern. He is my little warrior and my teddy bear.
So, now you know a little more about my amazing lightning bolt of a son. He is special in ways that I will never be eloquent enough to write down in words. I cherish him with every fiber of my being and I LOVE being his mom. While a few short paragraphs don't do him justice, I hope I've captured enough of his essence to make you fall just a little bit in love with him, too.
Don't mind the drool. He's been teething for a year straight.