Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Hampshire

Original Post: Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We are back from New Hampshire and, I have to say, it is so good to be home. If I ever again think it is a good idea to drive 17 hours to somewhere, only to spend 2 days there and then turn around and drive 17 hours back, somebody please knock me out and tie me up until said lunacy is over. At least the 2 days there were pleasant. Saturday we went to Adam's cousin Hannah's wedding and had a nice time. Weddings are always fun. Below are some pics. Then Sunday we took a drive (I know, right? More driving? For recreation?) up towards the mountains and Lake Winnipesaukee, hitting Alton Bay and Gilford and Laconia. Adam used to live in Gilford when he was really small, so the Lynds family took a little trip down memory lane.

It was actually really interesting to watch. I, of course, have none of the memories that Adam and his family do. So, for me, it was just more driving and some pretty views. But for Adam's family, especially Adam and his sister Aubury, these places conjured up images and memories and emotions long forgotten. We stopped at the cottage in Alton Bay that they vacationed at every summer as kids and I got to watch as their eyes lit up just like they probably did when they were 4 and 7. They pulled me around pointing out the boulders and trees and trees they used to climb and the beach they used to romp around on. We also drove by their old house and school in Gilford and ate across the street from the shop Buzz, Adam's dad, used to own in Laconia.

The only spoiler to the day was that I was miserably car sick. New England roads are definately NOT Michigan roads and I think I would take flat and pot-holey to winding and rolling and heaving any day. Other than that it was a nice weekend away. Although I think we're all exhausted and don't want to see another rest stop for the rest of our lives, it was fun to spend time with each other and see a place that is so near to my husband's heart. Here are a few pics...

Adam and his cousins Josh (left) and Jordan (middle), ready for their boy band album cover
Aub and MeMaggie (doing a jig) and Buzz
Abbie and Matthew (Adam's cousins, adopted a year or two ago from Africa. Matthew let us have his bed for the weekend. Thanks Matthew!)
The hubby and me
At a restaurant in Laconia. I got scallops fresh from the ocean. Yum!
A view from a scenic lookout...I think in Vermont?
A view of Alton Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, from the old cottage
Adam and Aubury at the old resort

So that's that. Like I said, I am ecstatic to be home and getting back into the swing of every day life. I missed my kiddos terribly and being back with them makes even the exhaustion from the trip seem small. Hope you all had a great weekend, too!


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