Thursday, August 28, 2008

More copying

So, I'm getting there with copying all my Xanga posts to here. Sort of.

I'll get there.


I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...... [Guess which book we've been reading lately.]

Original Post: Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hello all...
Yes, I know it's been forever and a day since I've written on here. Sorry. I'm a little busy! I'm finally starting to really ENJOY being a mother of twins. Not that I haven't adored my children up till this point, but things have been so hard that I hadn't really had any time to really have fun with them until recently. Now they're starting to eat less often and sleep more at night, which helps me feel a little more human. AND they're starting to smile and coo a ton more. It's so cute!
On another mother hair is literally falling out. Does this happen to anyone else??? Big chunks of hair just removing themselves from your head in the shower?!!!?? My friend Sarah warned me about this, but I was hoping maybe it just happened to her. No such luck. It's gross.
Uh-oh....the boy has arisen. Gotta go!

Original Post: Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hello all...
If you pray, please pray for my little guy. Asher, my 8 week old son, has developed a hernia and will probably have to have surgery to repair it. He's really uncomfortable and my husband and I don't love the idea of him having to be put under and cut open, even if the incision is tiny. So, pray for comfort for Asher, peace for Adam and me and the financial means to pay for whatever our insurance doesn't cover for the surgery (we still are paying the hospital bills from when the twins were born!).
Thanks friends!

Original Post: Tuesday, February 20, 2007

So, you know what's awesome? When you have thousands of dollars in medical bills and two new babies and you find out that your employer didn't change what you were claiming on your taxes like you asked her to after you got married, so now you owe the government a lot of money. Yep...awesome.
Ironically, though, I was just praying this morning for God to bless our finances and I gave all of that stress to Him. So, I guess now it's time to show Him that I meant it when I said I'd let Him worry about it.

Original Post: Thursday, January 5, 2007


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