So, I'm getting there with copying all my Xanga posts to here. Sort of.
I'll get there.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...... [Guess which book we've been reading lately.]
Original Post: Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Hello all...
Yes, I know it's been forever and a day since I've written on here. Sorry. I'm a little busy! I'm finally starting to really ENJOY being a mother of twins. Not that I haven't adored my children up till this point, but things have been so hard that I hadn't really had any time to really have fun with them until recently. Now they're starting to eat less often and sleep more at night, which helps me feel a little more human. AND they're starting to smile and coo a ton more. It's so cute!
On another mother hair is literally falling out. Does this happen to anyone else??? Big chunks of hair just removing themselves from your head in the shower?!!!?? My friend Sarah warned me about this, but I was hoping maybe it just happened to her. No such luck. It's gross.
Uh-oh....the boy has arisen. Gotta go!
Original Post: Saturday, March 03, 2007
Hello all...
If you pray, please pray for my little guy. Asher, my 8 week old son, has developed a hernia and will probably have to have surgery to repair it. He's really uncomfortable and my husband and I don't love the idea of him having to be put under and cut open, even if the incision is tiny. So, pray for comfort for Asher, peace for Adam and me and the financial means to pay for whatever our insurance doesn't cover for the surgery (we still are paying the hospital bills from when the twins were born!).
Thanks friends!
Original Post: Tuesday, February 20, 2007
So, you know what's awesome? When you have thousands of dollars in medical bills and two new babies and you find out that your employer didn't change what you were claiming on your taxes like you asked her to after you got married, so now you owe the government a lot of money. Yep...awesome.
Ironically, though, I was just praying this morning for God to bless our finances and I gave all of that stress to Him. So, I guess now it's time to show Him that I meant it when I said I'd let Him worry about it.
Original Post: Thursday, January 5, 2007
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Some of the First Pics...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Pregnancy Remembered
I've been much much better about writing on my Xanga. My plan all along was to keep up with the writing and then turn it into a little memory book at (thanks, Sarah). However, after several months of Xanga blogging and further research I've found that blurb isn't necessarily Xanga-friendly. Crap.
So here is my solution. I am going back to the Xanga post right before I got pregnant and I will repost those posts here in order to later slurp them into my blurb book. If that makes no sense go here and see what I mean.
OK, here goes. Oh...and for a sidenote, I went on my official honeymoon 5 months after my actual wedding. It was on this cruise that all the...excitement...began. So for this post, I will copy all of my pregnancy posts. This should be fun...
Friday, April 28, 2006
K, love you all. See you when I get back and I'm African.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I'm back! I missed you. Let's hang out.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Happy Hump Day!!!
Do you rememer when you could say that with absolutely no connotations entering your mind at all???
This week has been fun. Way too much TV (3 hour Grey's Anatomy season finale, House, and Bones season finale tonight). Sheesh, I'm a TV junkie this week! Oh well.
So, tonight Adam has his second softball game. Did I tell you my hubby's on a softball league with my dad and brother? It's really cute because (don't tell) he's a little lost out there. He was too busy being a band dork in high school to pay much attention to sports, so now I have to lovingly coach him about things like running THROUGH first base and what to do when you're in a pickle. It's very endearing.
Have I told you lately how much a love my husband?! Holy crap! I love him so much that sometimes I think that my heart is going to fall out of my chest. He's the greatest man EVER. And don't get all in a huff, because I know your boyfriend or husband is great, too....all I'm saying is that mine is the best for ME.
It's really cool to me to look back and see how God had to step on my figurative coat tails to keep me from running ahead of Him and then to look at where He's brought me now. All I can think is, "Holy goodness. Good thing God didn't let me figure this out by myself. I would have ruined everything!" Kinda makes me wonder why the heck I kick and scream so much when I don't get my way with God. It's not like He's failed me yet!
That was kind of long. Sorry. But I don't care because I'm bored at work and I wanted to ramble about my love for my husband and for my Bridegroom.
The end.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hope you all had a great weekend...and a great start to your week, too! This weekend was fun, but SOOOOOO busy!!! Saturday was Adam's birthday so I was busy on Friday night and Saturday morning planning his little shindig. It was very fun...with a little bit of unnecessary drama caused by one somewhat uptight guest. Hehe...oh well. I took it way too personally....but I was also PMS-ing, so leave me alone.
Then Sunday was re-coop time. We slept in till forever which we haven't done in a really long time. It was great. Then we went to my parentals for dinner. It was SO good! Except that I totally lost track of time and when I looked up at the clock it was 8:15 and I had missed Bible study...AGAIN!!!!! Shame on me. Seriously, I need to get better at that, but I've been out of the loop for so long that I'm struggling to get back into the groove of every first and third Sunday. Man-oh-man....
So, sorry ladies! I still love you bunches...I've just been a little scatter-brained lately. K, bye!!!
[Sidenote from the present: Haha...looking back on this now, I was 2 or 3 weeks pregnant. No wonder I was feeling scatter brained and PMS-y!]
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I have a secret.........
[The secret was that I was pregnant, if you didn't guess.]
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I decided that my xanga site is really ugly, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it. And every time I DO get motivated and try to find a cool layout or something, it always ends up looking totally cracked out and I have to take it off and then I wasted at least 4 and a half minutes. Hm.
Yesterday was fun with the girls and the games. I laughed a lot, which was very good medicine. EB was super huge and adorably prego. It makes me excited for December when I'm almost due. Yea!
I am very tired. I went to my mama's for lunch and laid down for what I thought would be a short 15 minute cat nap........
2 hours later....whoops! Good thing I never work when I'm at my job. :)
Thursday, June 08, 2006
I'm really tired. And all I can eat is peanuts because, for some reason, those and 7-UP are the only things that settle my stomach. BLAH.
I really don't understand the whole morning/all day sickness thing. Isn't this one of the things my body was designed to do?! Hence, shouldn't I feel the best when I'm doing this because it's what my body is meant to do?!?!
No sense....just sickness and obnoxiously big boobs. Ah well...
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I want to sleep for the rest of my life. But I have to do laundry. Crap.
Monday, June 19, 2006
If I eat another Saltine or take another sip of Canada Dry, I might die. No, I'm serious. Stop laughing. It's all I can choke down and it's GROSS! I think pregnancy should have a fast forward button.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
BIG NEWS!!! Ok, not really that big, but exciting for me....
Today is that first day in 3 weeks that I have done both my hair and my makeup. This is a big deal. I'm not saying I'm a beauty queen or anything, but it is nice not to look and feel like a hobo today.
Friday, June 30, 2006
My husband is a prophet.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I'm not dead.
Just thought you all should know.
I have nothing significant to write because the only words that would come out of my brain would be whining words. And, as sick as I am of being tired and sick, I'm just as sick of complaining about it. Hence, I'm shutting up.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Adam got home from Canada last night!!! He was gone since really early Friday. I missed him sooooooo much! I'm really glad he's home. I love him A LOT!
Last night I noticed that my belly is swelling a little bit. But, even MORE noticeable is the fact that my belly button is popping out. It's usually way in and flat and now it's all balloon-ish and squishy. It's funny. My first physical sign of babies! YAY!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Update time? Yes.
I had my 12 week appointment on Thursday and my little gerbils have started turning into little people. It's exciting. I could actually make out their limbs and heads and their little legs were kicking. It was cute. Perk about twins......WAY more ultrasounds!!!
Then I had a great weekend. Spent some time with some new friends and ate yummy food. Then we spent time with old friends because Jacob and Adam finally got back together after their break-up! I'm glad I finally get to see my friend Linda again.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Last night was awesome. God is so good. It's funny how gentle He is with us when He knows that's what we need. He's this huge, big, all-powerful God, but he is still so faithful to love little old us constantly...even in discipline. He really does amaze me.
Monday, August 14, 2006
I was in Detroit for most of the weekend because my best friend Maura got married. It was a good weekend except that the normally 2 hour long trip across the state took us 4 and a freaking 1/2 hours because there was a really bad accident on I96. We were literally PARKED on the expressway for a good 45 minutes. People were everywhere walking around, standing on their cars and making new friends on the freaking highway. It was ridiculous. But, it certainly could have been worse....we could have been in an accident.
So the wedding was beautiful, as was the bride, and everyone was happy. They got married outside and it was a perfect setting and a perfect day. Yay for love!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Heartburn-free night last night! Woohoo!!! It's sad how things like that make me so excited these days. Ah well.
We got a new mattress. It's glorious. Praise God for memory foam and king sized beds.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Hi everyone! I had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday. Each baby weighs about 13 ounces, which is just shy of a pound. It's weird that such little things can be making such a commotion in my belly (yes, I feel them kicking all the time!!!). Everyone is healthy and growing just how they should be. That makes me feel better because everyone has been freaking out that I'm not popping out yet and I was starting to worry that something was wrong. But I'm good and it makes all my aches and pains SO worth it when I get confirmation that my kids are doing great!
As expected, my little girl was the one who gave the ultrasound technician attitude and wouldn't cooperate with some of the measurements. She kept twisting and turning at just the right time to screw up the pictures. Haha....I'm pretty sure that my little boy will be super rambunctious, but it's my girl that will give us a run for our money!
They are both so cute and I can't wait for them to come out so I can kiss their perfect little faces!!!!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
So...I had another ultrasound yesterday. The babies are so cute. They were really busy yesterday and they both kept yawning and sticking out their little tongues. It was adorable!!! I can't wait to kiss their little faces! It makes me get all teary just thinking about it.
Both babies are doing great. They are healthy and growing just how they should be. They are both exactly the same size...about 1.4 pounds (which is a very good thing because sometimes, with twins, one will take more of the nutrients and grow faster than the other one and it's bad). They gained about 10 ounces in the last 2 weeks...EACH! Oh man...I think I'm gonna really start popping out and getting gianormous now!!!! Hopefully just in my belly, though. Haha.
P.S. I don't know how to spell gianormous. I actually don't think it's a real word, so my spelling's probably as good as yours.
Monday, October 23, 2006
I think I should name my children Britney and Justin because they have been having a dance-off in my belly since 5:00 this morning.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Off to Detroit this weekend for baby shower #1. Yippee skippee! I like getting presents. AND I get to see Mauoueaurea. YAY!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Hi all....
Baby showers are fun. Especially when everything you get is pink and blue and matching for your 2 chitlins. I think Adam finally realized just how much baby accoutre ma we're actually going to have. This shower only had 13 people at it and we're overflowing. There are going to be like 50 people at my shower this Sunday. Haha. I need a U-Haul. No, seriously. I do. Can you rent me one? I can't afford one cause I'm having twins.
In other news, yet still somehow regarding babies...I had another appointment yesterday and my babies are doing just lov-er-ly. My little girl is 2 lbs. 4 oz. and my little boy is 2 lbs. 6 oz. {Adam is very proud that the boy is bigger. Typical dad.} Also, they are both situated head down now. Yay!!! Praise God because that is exactly what I have been praying for. I'm believing God that they'll stay that way so I won't have to have a C-section. Boo on major abdominal surgery.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
My big fatty shower was last weekend. I think it went pretty well. For my part, I felt super frazzled and like I neglected a lot of people. But everyone I've talked to said it was really nice and they didn't feel chaotic, so that's good. I got a lot of great stuff and I'm soooo relieved to have my stroller and both car seats!!!
Although I really want these kids to stay in for as long as possible and get nice and fat and healthy, I must say that I'm downright sick of being pregnant. Every part of me hurts all the time. If I sleep on one side for longer than a 1/2 hour, then that whole side of me goes numb, including my ear which is so weird because those kids are nowhere near my ear. What the heck?!?! And if I lose my balance, trip over something or run into a wall one more time, I think I might give up on ever getting out of bed. Oh well...maybe this makes moms appreciate their babies more because they have to endure so much.
But, I love my babies and I am excited to kiss their little faces and shower them with attention. Yipee!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Holy heavens to was a busy weekend. Thursday we got up early, drove to Detroit, picked up my grandma, stopped at Maura's to give her a baby present and get some much needed boy clothes, drove another hour to my aunt and uncle's, ate too much food, drove another 45 minutes to my other grandma's, dealt with ridiculous drama while eating dessert, drove home and finally crawled into bed around midnight. Needless to say, I was ready to fly and stab by the end of it all.
Friday was a little more relaxing. We slept in and lounged around all day and then had Thanksgiving #2 at Adam's parents' house. That was fun. My parents came too and it was nice to be able to celebrate a holiday with normal people (my extended family is anything but).
Saturday we were very productive. We got the nursery all set up, including, but not limited to: setting up the crib, washing the bedding, putting the bedding in the cribs, buying our changing table/dresser combo, piecing together the changing table/dresser combo and filling the changing table/dresser combo with baby things. I also took back all my duplicate stuff to Target and got a butt load of money on gift cards which I then turned around and spent on a bath tub, fitted mattress pads, 2 bunting bags for the car seats and a changing pad. Oh yeah, and I also bought a belly hoister. It's effective.
Sunday was our much needed day of rest. We went and saw "The Fountain." I'm pretty sure it was the worst movie ever.
Ok, I'm done now. If you're still reading this, then thanks for caring about every obnoxious detail of my life. How was your Thanksgiving?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, but I don't know anything new, really, because they messed up the scheduling and forgot to put me down for an ultrasound. Guh... So, I go back tomorrow to see my babies and make sure nothing is thinning or effacing that's not supposed to be. The doctor said he wants them to stay in for at least another month and then he doesn't care when they come out because they should be good and healthy by then. But I am starting to drop a little, which is actually nice. I can deal with having to pee every 5 seconds. It was the not breathing thing that was starting to get a touch annoying.
Monday, December 11, 2006
I think this week is going to be a good one. Here's why:
1. I got all my Christmas shopping done and presents wrapped this weekend.
2. Friday is my last day of work so I can rest up for my babies.
3. My anniversary is on Sunday.
4. I finally got my ultrasound today. (I was supposed to have it last Thursday, but the ultrasound tech was sick, so I had to be rescheduled for today, in case you were wondering.)
5. My babies are healthy and seemingly happy, even if they are a little crowded.
My little girl is 3 lbs 10 oz and my little boy is 3 lbs 8 oz. They both put on over a pound each in the last 4 weeks. So basically, I have 7 lbs and 2 oz worth of kid in me. That's more than I weighed when I was born! I am definately starting to feel the effects of having so much baby in me. Most women who have this much kid in them are ready to deliver. Me? I probably still have another month or so to go. Please pray for endurance for me!!!
So, I've said it before and I'll say it little girl is going to be a fiesty one. My latest evidence is the way she's lounging around in my belly. She's all stretched out with her head way down by my pelvic bone and her feet way up by my ribs. My poor son has no room and has been exhiled to a small corner of my belly, where he is laying with his feet practically wrapped around his neck. Poor guy. It's a little unnerving when you have to teach your daughter about sharing and she's not even born yet!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Hi everyone! All these new babies! I can't wait for mine. My doctor said that I definately won't have to go any longer than 38 weeks. That means he will induce me by January 18 at the latest. He is going to do an amniocentesis test next week (I'll be 36 weeks) to see if the babies' lungs are developed and he will induce me as soon as January 8 if I want to. I think I might let them stay in till at least 37 weeks though, if they will, because I want them to be as healthy as can be when they are born.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
For those of you that haven't heard...I had my babies on January 5 at 12:21 and 12:26 AM. Addison Grace was born first and was 5 lbs. 1 oz. Asher David was born next and was 4 lbs. 8 oz.
Their 2 week birthday was yesterday and they had a doctor's appointment to commemorate the event. They are both doing great. They've grown 2 inches (up to 18.5 inches each now) and have each gained almost a pound. Addison's 5 lbs. 13 oz. and Asher is up to 5 lbs. 6 oz. This is very good because they had lost some weight when we brought them home from the hospital.
So that is my pregnancy journal in a nutshell. If you got through it, cheers to you. It was fun copying it onto this sight and reliving all those memories.
Next with twins.
So here is my solution. I am going back to the Xanga post right before I got pregnant and I will repost those posts here in order to later slurp them into my blurb book. If that makes no sense go here and see what I mean.
OK, here goes. Oh...and for a sidenote, I went on my official honeymoon 5 months after my actual wedding. It was on this cruise that all the...excitement...began. So for this post, I will copy all of my pregnancy posts. This should be fun...
Friday, April 28, 2006
K, love you all. See you when I get back and I'm African.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I'm back! I missed you. Let's hang out.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Happy Hump Day!!!
Do you rememer when you could say that with absolutely no connotations entering your mind at all???
This week has been fun. Way too much TV (3 hour Grey's Anatomy season finale, House, and Bones season finale tonight). Sheesh, I'm a TV junkie this week! Oh well.
So, tonight Adam has his second softball game. Did I tell you my hubby's on a softball league with my dad and brother? It's really cute because (don't tell) he's a little lost out there. He was too busy being a band dork in high school to pay much attention to sports, so now I have to lovingly coach him about things like running THROUGH first base and what to do when you're in a pickle. It's very endearing.
Have I told you lately how much a love my husband?! Holy crap! I love him so much that sometimes I think that my heart is going to fall out of my chest. He's the greatest man EVER. And don't get all in a huff, because I know your boyfriend or husband is great, too....all I'm saying is that mine is the best for ME.
It's really cool to me to look back and see how God had to step on my figurative coat tails to keep me from running ahead of Him and then to look at where He's brought me now. All I can think is, "Holy goodness. Good thing God didn't let me figure this out by myself. I would have ruined everything!" Kinda makes me wonder why the heck I kick and scream so much when I don't get my way with God. It's not like He's failed me yet!
That was kind of long. Sorry. But I don't care because I'm bored at work and I wanted to ramble about my love for my husband and for my Bridegroom.
The end.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hope you all had a great weekend...and a great start to your week, too! This weekend was fun, but SOOOOOO busy!!! Saturday was Adam's birthday so I was busy on Friday night and Saturday morning planning his little shindig. It was very fun...with a little bit of unnecessary drama caused by one somewhat uptight guest. Hehe...oh well. I took it way too personally....but I was also PMS-ing, so leave me alone.
Then Sunday was re-coop time. We slept in till forever which we haven't done in a really long time. It was great. Then we went to my parentals for dinner. It was SO good! Except that I totally lost track of time and when I looked up at the clock it was 8:15 and I had missed Bible study...AGAIN!!!!! Shame on me. Seriously, I need to get better at that, but I've been out of the loop for so long that I'm struggling to get back into the groove of every first and third Sunday. Man-oh-man....
So, sorry ladies! I still love you bunches...I've just been a little scatter-brained lately. K, bye!!!
[Sidenote from the present: Haha...looking back on this now, I was 2 or 3 weeks pregnant. No wonder I was feeling scatter brained and PMS-y!]
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I have a secret.........
[The secret was that I was pregnant, if you didn't guess.]
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I decided that my xanga site is really ugly, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it. And every time I DO get motivated and try to find a cool layout or something, it always ends up looking totally cracked out and I have to take it off and then I wasted at least 4 and a half minutes. Hm.
Yesterday was fun with the girls and the games. I laughed a lot, which was very good medicine. EB was super huge and adorably prego. It makes me excited for December when I'm almost due. Yea!
I am very tired. I went to my mama's for lunch and laid down for what I thought would be a short 15 minute cat nap........
2 hours later....whoops! Good thing I never work when I'm at my job. :)
Thursday, June 08, 2006
I'm really tired. And all I can eat is peanuts because, for some reason, those and 7-UP are the only things that settle my stomach. BLAH.
I really don't understand the whole morning/all day sickness thing. Isn't this one of the things my body was designed to do?! Hence, shouldn't I feel the best when I'm doing this because it's what my body is meant to do?!?!
No sense....just sickness and obnoxiously big boobs. Ah well...
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I want to sleep for the rest of my life. But I have to do laundry. Crap.
Monday, June 19, 2006
If I eat another Saltine or take another sip of Canada Dry, I might die. No, I'm serious. Stop laughing. It's all I can choke down and it's GROSS! I think pregnancy should have a fast forward button.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
BIG NEWS!!! Ok, not really that big, but exciting for me....
Today is that first day in 3 weeks that I have done both my hair and my makeup. This is a big deal. I'm not saying I'm a beauty queen or anything, but it is nice not to look and feel like a hobo today.
Friday, June 30, 2006
My husband is a prophet.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I'm not dead.
Just thought you all should know.
I have nothing significant to write because the only words that would come out of my brain would be whining words. And, as sick as I am of being tired and sick, I'm just as sick of complaining about it. Hence, I'm shutting up.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Adam got home from Canada last night!!! He was gone since really early Friday. I missed him sooooooo much! I'm really glad he's home. I love him A LOT!
Last night I noticed that my belly is swelling a little bit. But, even MORE noticeable is the fact that my belly button is popping out. It's usually way in and flat and now it's all balloon-ish and squishy. It's funny. My first physical sign of babies! YAY!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Update time? Yes.
I had my 12 week appointment on Thursday and my little gerbils have started turning into little people. It's exciting. I could actually make out their limbs and heads and their little legs were kicking. It was cute. Perk about twins......WAY more ultrasounds!!!
Then I had a great weekend. Spent some time with some new friends and ate yummy food. Then we spent time with old friends because Jacob and Adam finally got back together after their break-up! I'm glad I finally get to see my friend Linda again.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Last night was awesome. God is so good. It's funny how gentle He is with us when He knows that's what we need. He's this huge, big, all-powerful God, but he is still so faithful to love little old us constantly...even in discipline. He really does amaze me.
Monday, August 14, 2006
I was in Detroit for most of the weekend because my best friend Maura got married. It was a good weekend except that the normally 2 hour long trip across the state took us 4 and a freaking 1/2 hours because there was a really bad accident on I96. We were literally PARKED on the expressway for a good 45 minutes. People were everywhere walking around, standing on their cars and making new friends on the freaking highway. It was ridiculous. But, it certainly could have been worse....we could have been in an accident.
So the wedding was beautiful, as was the bride, and everyone was happy. They got married outside and it was a perfect setting and a perfect day. Yay for love!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Heartburn-free night last night! Woohoo!!! It's sad how things like that make me so excited these days. Ah well.
We got a new mattress. It's glorious. Praise God for memory foam and king sized beds.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Hi everyone! I had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday. Each baby weighs about 13 ounces, which is just shy of a pound. It's weird that such little things can be making such a commotion in my belly (yes, I feel them kicking all the time!!!). Everyone is healthy and growing just how they should be. That makes me feel better because everyone has been freaking out that I'm not popping out yet and I was starting to worry that something was wrong. But I'm good and it makes all my aches and pains SO worth it when I get confirmation that my kids are doing great!
As expected, my little girl was the one who gave the ultrasound technician attitude and wouldn't cooperate with some of the measurements. She kept twisting and turning at just the right time to screw up the pictures. Haha....I'm pretty sure that my little boy will be super rambunctious, but it's my girl that will give us a run for our money!
They are both so cute and I can't wait for them to come out so I can kiss their perfect little faces!!!!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
So...I had another ultrasound yesterday. The babies are so cute. They were really busy yesterday and they both kept yawning and sticking out their little tongues. It was adorable!!! I can't wait to kiss their little faces! It makes me get all teary just thinking about it.
Both babies are doing great. They are healthy and growing just how they should be. They are both exactly the same size...about 1.4 pounds (which is a very good thing because sometimes, with twins, one will take more of the nutrients and grow faster than the other one and it's bad). They gained about 10 ounces in the last 2 weeks...EACH! Oh man...I think I'm gonna really start popping out and getting gianormous now!!!! Hopefully just in my belly, though. Haha.
P.S. I don't know how to spell gianormous. I actually don't think it's a real word, so my spelling's probably as good as yours.
Monday, October 23, 2006
I think I should name my children Britney and Justin because they have been having a dance-off in my belly since 5:00 this morning.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Off to Detroit this weekend for baby shower #1. Yippee skippee! I like getting presents. AND I get to see Mauoueaurea. YAY!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Hi all....
Baby showers are fun. Especially when everything you get is pink and blue and matching for your 2 chitlins. I think Adam finally realized just how much baby accoutre ma we're actually going to have. This shower only had 13 people at it and we're overflowing. There are going to be like 50 people at my shower this Sunday. Haha. I need a U-Haul. No, seriously. I do. Can you rent me one? I can't afford one cause I'm having twins.
In other news, yet still somehow regarding babies...I had another appointment yesterday and my babies are doing just lov-er-ly. My little girl is 2 lbs. 4 oz. and my little boy is 2 lbs. 6 oz. {Adam is very proud that the boy is bigger. Typical dad.} Also, they are both situated head down now. Yay!!! Praise God because that is exactly what I have been praying for. I'm believing God that they'll stay that way so I won't have to have a C-section. Boo on major abdominal surgery.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
My big fatty shower was last weekend. I think it went pretty well. For my part, I felt super frazzled and like I neglected a lot of people. But everyone I've talked to said it was really nice and they didn't feel chaotic, so that's good. I got a lot of great stuff and I'm soooo relieved to have my stroller and both car seats!!!
Although I really want these kids to stay in for as long as possible and get nice and fat and healthy, I must say that I'm downright sick of being pregnant. Every part of me hurts all the time. If I sleep on one side for longer than a 1/2 hour, then that whole side of me goes numb, including my ear which is so weird because those kids are nowhere near my ear. What the heck?!?! And if I lose my balance, trip over something or run into a wall one more time, I think I might give up on ever getting out of bed. Oh well...maybe this makes moms appreciate their babies more because they have to endure so much.
But, I love my babies and I am excited to kiss their little faces and shower them with attention. Yipee!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Holy heavens to was a busy weekend. Thursday we got up early, drove to Detroit, picked up my grandma, stopped at Maura's to give her a baby present and get some much needed boy clothes, drove another hour to my aunt and uncle's, ate too much food, drove another 45 minutes to my other grandma's, dealt with ridiculous drama while eating dessert, drove home and finally crawled into bed around midnight. Needless to say, I was ready to fly and stab by the end of it all.
Friday was a little more relaxing. We slept in and lounged around all day and then had Thanksgiving #2 at Adam's parents' house. That was fun. My parents came too and it was nice to be able to celebrate a holiday with normal people (my extended family is anything but).
Saturday we were very productive. We got the nursery all set up, including, but not limited to: setting up the crib, washing the bedding, putting the bedding in the cribs, buying our changing table/dresser combo, piecing together the changing table/dresser combo and filling the changing table/dresser combo with baby things. I also took back all my duplicate stuff to Target and got a butt load of money on gift cards which I then turned around and spent on a bath tub, fitted mattress pads, 2 bunting bags for the car seats and a changing pad. Oh yeah, and I also bought a belly hoister. It's effective.
Sunday was our much needed day of rest. We went and saw "The Fountain." I'm pretty sure it was the worst movie ever.
Ok, I'm done now. If you're still reading this, then thanks for caring about every obnoxious detail of my life. How was your Thanksgiving?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, but I don't know anything new, really, because they messed up the scheduling and forgot to put me down for an ultrasound. Guh... So, I go back tomorrow to see my babies and make sure nothing is thinning or effacing that's not supposed to be. The doctor said he wants them to stay in for at least another month and then he doesn't care when they come out because they should be good and healthy by then. But I am starting to drop a little, which is actually nice. I can deal with having to pee every 5 seconds. It was the not breathing thing that was starting to get a touch annoying.
Monday, December 11, 2006
I think this week is going to be a good one. Here's why:
1. I got all my Christmas shopping done and presents wrapped this weekend.
2. Friday is my last day of work so I can rest up for my babies.
3. My anniversary is on Sunday.
4. I finally got my ultrasound today. (I was supposed to have it last Thursday, but the ultrasound tech was sick, so I had to be rescheduled for today, in case you were wondering.)
5. My babies are healthy and seemingly happy, even if they are a little crowded.
My little girl is 3 lbs 10 oz and my little boy is 3 lbs 8 oz. They both put on over a pound each in the last 4 weeks. So basically, I have 7 lbs and 2 oz worth of kid in me. That's more than I weighed when I was born! I am definately starting to feel the effects of having so much baby in me. Most women who have this much kid in them are ready to deliver. Me? I probably still have another month or so to go. Please pray for endurance for me!!!
So, I've said it before and I'll say it little girl is going to be a fiesty one. My latest evidence is the way she's lounging around in my belly. She's all stretched out with her head way down by my pelvic bone and her feet way up by my ribs. My poor son has no room and has been exhiled to a small corner of my belly, where he is laying with his feet practically wrapped around his neck. Poor guy. It's a little unnerving when you have to teach your daughter about sharing and she's not even born yet!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Hi everyone! All these new babies! I can't wait for mine. My doctor said that I definately won't have to go any longer than 38 weeks. That means he will induce me by January 18 at the latest. He is going to do an amniocentesis test next week (I'll be 36 weeks) to see if the babies' lungs are developed and he will induce me as soon as January 8 if I want to. I think I might let them stay in till at least 37 weeks though, if they will, because I want them to be as healthy as can be when they are born.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
For those of you that haven't heard...I had my babies on January 5 at 12:21 and 12:26 AM. Addison Grace was born first and was 5 lbs. 1 oz. Asher David was born next and was 4 lbs. 8 oz.
Their 2 week birthday was yesterday and they had a doctor's appointment to commemorate the event. They are both doing great. They've grown 2 inches (up to 18.5 inches each now) and have each gained almost a pound. Addison's 5 lbs. 13 oz. and Asher is up to 5 lbs. 6 oz. This is very good because they had lost some weight when we brought them home from the hospital.
So that is my pregnancy journal in a nutshell. If you got through it, cheers to you. It was fun copying it onto this sight and reliving all those memories.
Next with twins.
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